May your heart be open
May your words be kind
May you see the face of God
When you look in each others’ eyes

May your feet sink down deep
Into the Mother’s soil
May you live into your roots
And to them remain loyal

May compassion be the foundation
Upon which you live
May you hold nothing back
So that you may freely give

May forgiveness be you sword
May love be your shield
May you fully surrender
So that you may fully yield

May my heart be open
May my words be kind
May I see the face of God
When I look in another’s eyes

May my feet sink down deep
Into the Mother’s soil
May I live into my roots
And to them remain loyal

May compassion be the foundation
Upon which I live
May I hold nothing back
So that I may freely give

May forgiveness be my sword
May love be my shield
May I fully surrender
So that I may fully yield

May our hearts be open
May our words be kind
May we see the face of God
When we look in each others’ eyes

© 2014, Sabrina Santa Clara


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