Why Be Grateful?
We are biologically predisposed to notice what’s wrong, to look for the negative as a means of preparing for it. It’s an ingrained survival skill which has become overdeveloped. Particularly in the Western culture in which [...]
We are biologically predisposed to notice what’s wrong, to look for the negative as a means of preparing for it. It’s an ingrained survival skill which has become overdeveloped. Particularly in the Western culture in which [...]
The phrase “Don’t Take Life Too Seriously. Nobody Get’s Out Alive Anyway’ is a funny little adage that really speaks to an important practical and spiritual lesson. I think the best Spiritual lessons are also practical, [...]
When Lao Tsu says “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving,” he is not saying the good traveler has no plans at all. He is not suggesting the spiritual traveler [...]
There is a universal stream. We know we are riding the current when things fall into place. We know we are swimming upstream when our effort begins to cost us – when we are tight, rigid, [...]
In order for a body to be at its best, it needs healthy food full of vital nutrients. When we feed our bodies unhealthful food, they will function, but not as well; And the long-term harm [...]
In the too busy, too much to do world that most of us are currently living in, it is very, very easy to feel overwhelmed and to believe that the task ahead of us is impossible [...]
I love the little quotes that come across social media sites. In our world that offers too many stories of trauma and suffering, inspirational post-it notes, pictures and stories help us to root back to our [...]