It is still less than a week since we discovered how truly off course this country is. And life is continuing. The world has not ended. Darkness and light continue their sworded dance. In spite of fears and a panicked impulse to high tail it out of the country (and so many hours researching where to go) apparently, I am staying…for now anyway. I will know today if the home purchase is going through, all my liquid cash being dropped into a house which means picking up and leaving would be more challenging.

I am holding onto the passion that lives in my heart – which is more group work, more community, more usness – and this home allows that. I sit with the understanding that if ever there was a time that we needed to come together, to gather, now is that. We must remember that over 71 million people voted for democracy. And, as is the way of this bipolar country, there will likely be a swing in the opposite direction – hopefully our democracy will not be lost before we get there (though, to be fair, it has never been a democracy for everybody).

Light and dark have always been at play. Perhaps it is the most natural thing in the world, night shifts to day, day shifts to night, and actually they are never changing. Dark is always dark, light is always light, it is the planet that rotates between these two. It is we who are shifting.

I often say that people don’t come into therapy and healing work when things are bad. They come in when it is bad enough. And one person’s bad enough is different than another’s. It’s like the concept of “hitting bottom” in recovery programs. One person’s bottom is “my child looked at me with contempt when I was drunk.” Another’s is, “I killed a child while driving drunk.” Clearly, we, as a people, have not yet hit bottom. May this be our bottom. May this be the mud from which the lotus blooms.

Whatever this is, I know my place in the order of things. It is to be a wisdom keeper and light bearer – I don’t fight this. It is as natural as bunny being bunnyness, and tree being treeness, as coyote being coyeteness. It is simply the essence of how I was brought in this world. So, I give myself to that truth. I buy the home with space for groups, for medicine retreats, for community. I will learn and teach the way of tribe, the way of gathering, the way of usness…and I repeatedly offer my fears to the Great Mother, to the mycelial network for transformation, that I too may break through the soil and spread these spores of light and life giving energy to any place that has a receptive place to land and grow.

What is your place in the order of things? What is your calling and your purpose here on this amazing globe? Be that.