
Neoshamanic Internal Family Systems

Holistic Counseling & Transpersonal Coaching

We each possess innate beauty, deep wisdom, and a unique purpose. However, life’s challenges and traumas can cause our healthiest selves to retreat. Over time, we may lose touch with who we truly are, especially if our trauma occurred early in life. Holistic counseling acts as an excavation process, bringing to light and healing those parts of us that have been hidden and exiled. This process reveals the Authentic Self, long overshadowed by our wounded and protective parts.

For several decades, I have practiced as an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Holistic Psychotherapist and IFS Consultant, integrating many holistic approaches such as somatic psychotherapy, nondual somatic meditation, psychedelic support and integration, healing touch, and neoshamanic practices. My work now extends beyond psychotherapy and IFS, into something more expansive. Hence, I now practice as a Spiritual Doula offering Neoshamanic IFS.

Neoshamanic Internal Family Systems (NIFS) builds on the core IFS framework, acknowledging the inherent goodness and wholeness of each person. NIFS employs three equally important healing mechanisms:

  1. Inner World: Self and parts – feelings, thoughts, beliefs, bodily sensations
  2. Outer World: Family, community, diet, nature/environment
  3. Metaphysical World: Spirits, guides, ancestors, god, energy, the divine, and expanded states of consciousness

These practices weave together holistic psychology and scientific understanding with traditional healing methods, assisting people in their transformation through trauma-informed practices. Neoshamanic IFS recognizes the necessity of inner work, the necessity of community, and connection to Something Bigger. My practice includes individual client sessions, training other healing professionals, and conducting group and retreat sessions. I collaborate with colleagues who specialize in fields aligned with Neoshamanic IFS. Matt Colaciello, an IFS-Informed coach who has been my mentee for several years and brings a deep spiritual practice fully aligned with Neoshamanic IFS. Andrea Feucht, a neurodivergent IFS practitioner, works with individuals and couples in Salt Lake City, Utah and virtually. Beginning in 2025, Kevin Fitzpatrick, an IFS-Informed and certified Authentic Relating facilitator, will be offering online Authentic Presence sessions from Las Vegas, Nevada. With support, guidance, and self-compassion, you can release the trauma, beliefs, habits, and ways of being that block your Authentic Self. You can discover new ways to express the best of who you are. With the right help, you can heal from past wounds, make choices that foster happiness and success, live into your divine nature, and successfully respond, rather than react, to life’s challenges. I look forward to embarking on this journey with you, whether through individual sessions, training, or group work. Although I am based in Lafayette, Colorado, the majority of my services are offered virtually, allowing me to connect with clients worldwide. Contact me to explore how I or one of my colleagues can support you on your path. Join the email list to stay informed about our new offerings and updates.

Trainer &

Neoshamanic Internal Family Systems
Spiritual Psychedelic Journeys & Integration
Somatic NonDual Meditation

Latest Updates

You may have noticed the new website, logo, and practice name change to Interweaving Journeys. This change reflects my shift into Neoshamanic IFS and the diverse range of services I and my team offer, including: Individual, couples and group sessions, Training for clients and healing professionals, Speaking engagements, Meditation classes, Psychedelic Integration and Retreats, and more. In the next few years, expect to see more trainings and more allied health professionals joining the Interweaving Journeys team, all offering services within Neoshamanic IFS framework.

The expansive practices of Neoshamanic IFS draws upon three powerful healing agencies

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